Baby Journal by Annie

6 photos that are better left unshared on social media!

When you give birth to a little miracle, you probably want to remember as much as possible about their every move and milestone, and share it with the world. Thankfully we live in a world of cameras that can transform any moment into the perfect memory, and also in a world dominated by social media meaning your photo is accessible to anyone! […]

Unsafe foods for dogs

Unsafe foods for dogs: What treats should you avoid?

There are some foods which you can enjoy with your dog, letting him eat a bite once in a while. But there are certain foods you should avoid feeding your dog at all costs. Most of us have heard that chocolate is dog poison and we should never give our furry friends chocolate human sweets. But what about other foods, foods that seem harmless? Let’s find out! […]

4 popular myths about feeding time

4 popular myths about feeding time: Can you tell fact from fiction?

It’s tough on parents to know if your children are eating right and to instill good eating habits for their future selves. We live in an age of information, but sometimes that can lead to misconceptions that are masked as truths and we know it’s really hard to tell them apart. Should you avoid potential allergens? Can your baby by allergic to your breast milk? Read on and learn to separate the truth from hype! […]

Teaching your dog to be home alone

Teaching your dog to be home alone: 3 useful tips

Christina bought an eight week old puppy of a Labrador retriever. She stayed at home with her new pet friend for a week but after that time she had to return to work. And that’s proving to be a bigger problem than she anticipated. She cannot stay at home longer and no one else can help her. What should she do now? How do you teach your dog to be home alone? […]

Baby Monitor by Annie - Video & Audio Nanny Camera

The 7 biggest advantages of Baby Monitor by Annie

Do you remember our article about one of our newest apps, Home Security Monitor? Let us introduce you to another app from Apps by Annie production. This one has been the first app we’ve ever released and it’s still one of the most important to this day – Baby Monitor by Annie. […]